#1 Email signature platform for Google Workspace
End to end email signature management for Google Workspace.

Trusted by leading companies around the world

Plug & play integration
Solve your Google Workspace signature puzzle and deploy and manage Gmail signatures for all users and across all devices.
Integrate signature management with your Google Workspace data infrastructure and keep signatures timely.

Take control of Gmail signatures with EasySync4G
EasySync4G unlocks new Gmail signature features. Choose from a tonne of sender-based signatures to fit your target audience or standardise signatures with audience-based campaigns.

Quick-fire Mailtastic x Google Workspace benefits
Straight off the mark
Set up Mailtastic x Google Workspace (G Suite) integration in a few clicks
Fully automated signatures
Employees get real-time email banner updates
No fuss
Google Workspace user data generates email signatures
GDPR compliant
Google Workspace users always comply with data rules and regulations
Different signatures for different departments
Cater to segmented audiences with tailored signatures
Multi signatures
Allow team members to choose the best signature for their context
Clean display
Keep signatures on point in every email programme
Seamless integration
Secure and automated data integration between your Google Workspace and Mailtastic
Signature previews
Your team has visibility on the signature they’re sending