Straightforward email signature management
Simple, safe & hassle free.
Quick & simple integration. Get a fast and reliable rollout every time.

Trusted by leading companies

Use Mailtastic in your cloud
Plug & play signature management for Office 365
Provide your Office 365 users with professional email signatures on every device. Email signatures are automatically generated and can be centrally managed with ease.
Plug & play signature management for G Suite
Provide your G Suite users with professional email signatures on every device. Email signatures are automatically generated and can be centrally managed with ease. Also give users the power to use multiple signatures at once.
Connected to any cloud
Seamlessly connect Mailtastic to existing systems via our API. Then automatically generate all your email signatures for employees based on your own data.

Available on all clients
Professional email signatures for every employee. At all times.
- With our Office 365 and G Suite integrations, you provide signatures via the cloud.
- No cloud? No problem! Easily integrate your signatures into Outlook, Gmail, Apple Mail & more on the client side.
- Use Mailtastic rerouting to make your signatures available on the server side for all clients & devices.
Fully customisable
Use a self-hosted exchange to get the user data from your local. Active Directory in conjunction with our API.
- Decide for yourself what data is used
- Integration and synchronisation of signatures via local clients or plug-ins
- Multiple signatures can be used in parallel

Stress-free data management
Automatic email signatures on any data basis.
Import employee data from your existing data sources to Mailtastic. In addition to clouds such as Office 365 and G Suite, you can also synchronise data from local systems via API, CSV or SFTP.
Missing data can be added by the respective employee himself or centrally maintained. HR colleagues can have independent access for employee data management.
The technical nitty gritty
Encrypted Data Transfer
All communication takes place via a secure channel (HTTPS)
Highly Available Cloud Infrastructure
Automatic scaling at peak loads & automatic redirection to a mirrored environment.
Interface To The Most Used Email Systems
Use with almost all email clients that support HTML email signature
Daily Backups
All data is mirrored 24/7 into a second availability zone
Public Usable AP
Use our API to integrate Mailtastic into your existing workflows
Client And Server-Based
You have the choice! Or have the best of both worlds